ANATOMY OF THE OBF – “The Standing Committees”

By President Dietmar K. Caudle

Every year the Oklahoma Bar Foundation President designates OBF Trustee and Chair persons to serve on the five perennial OBF Standing Committees.  This process somewhat parallels the way the Oklahoma Bar Association functions.

The GRANTS AND AWARDS COMMITTEE has the charge of reviewing all OBF Grant Applications, making recommendations to the Board as to its findings and providing oversight of funded programs.  The chairperson of the Grants & Awards Committee is Judge Millie Otey.  On occasion, Committee Members conduct site visits to observe Grantees in action and gain a better understanding of the needs and capacity of the Grantees.  This Committee is further charged with the determination of whether grant applications fall within the mission of the Foundation and makes recommendations of how much of the request may be funded.

The DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE is co-chaired by Gabe Bass and Alan Souter.  Their task is to review and oversee Fellow and Community Fellow recruitment and to recommend ways to increase Fellowship and other fundraising efforts.  This Committee advises the Board on educational and researched enrichment priorities and fundraising goals that support the OBF Strategic and Financial Plan.  The Committee is responsible for OBF Program Development and to coordinate educational and researched presentations for OBF Board Meetings.

The FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE is chaired by Kevin Donelson.  The Committee coordinates the OBF Board’s financial oversight responsibilities by recommending financial policy to the Board.   Among its duties, the Committee drafts investment policy, hires and oversees performance of the OBF professional investment managers, sets performance goals for the portfolio in accordance with Board policy and follows regulations, monitors for new regulations and judicious interpretation of all the rules that may affect the OBF’s financial stability.

The AUDIT COMMITTEE assists the Board in the responsibility of accounting and financial reporting.  The Committee Chairperson is Jack Brown. The Committee is charged with ensuring integrity of financial statements, financial controls, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and ensuring the outside auditor’s qualifications, independence and performance.  The Audit Committee ensures the OBF has an independent audit annually and reports the findings and recommendations to the Board.

The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE is chaired by President Caudle and includes the Vice President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer and the Grants and Awards Chairperson; the Executive Director is a nonvoting member of the Committee.  This Committee oversees the general direction of OBF activities, selection, evaluation and compensation of the OBF Executive Director.  The Committee provides assistance with and approval of long range planning and development of the strategic planning process.  The Executive Committee has the task of ensuring the effectiveness of the Oklahoma Bar Foundation, which includes full participation of maximum performance of Board Trustees and the Committee reviews and makes recommendations to enhance the quality and future viability of the OBF Board.

The cohesive participation of all five of the aforementioned Standing Committees is vital to the operation and success of the Oklahoma Bar Foundation.  The Trustees who staff these Committees are attorney volunteers who have a passion for the mission of the OBF.  These volunteers and the generous donor who contribution each year truly allow the OBF to “Change Oklahoma Lives” by granting funds to Oklahoma law-related nonprofit organizations whose funded programs fall within the documented mission of the OBF.  Please remember, We can’t do it without you!”

May 6, 2014 is the OBF Court Grant Application Submission Deadline

July 1, 2014 is the regular statewide OBF Grant Application Submission Deadline


You are invited to attend an OBF Trustee Meeting. The next OBF Trustee Meeting is at 1:00 pm Friday, July 18, 2014 in the Board Room of the Oklahoma Bar Center with video conferencing available at the OSU-Tulsa North Classroom Building, Room 222.