Meet 2018 Board President Alan Souter

Meet 2018 Oklahoma Bar Foundation Board of Trustees President, Alan Souter, from Tulsa Oklahoma.

Law School: Univ of Kansas
Graduation Year: 1993
Current Employer: Self – Business and real estate finance, development and construction
Location: Tulsa

Why did you decide to be a lawyer?
I wanted to get a joint MBA and Law degree and work in banking, but decided to work as a lawyer after taking Trial Advocacy my third year of law school.  Now I work in business and real estate related areas.

Explain the leadership roles you hold in professional and/or community settings and why these responsibilities are important to you.
I have served as Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President and I am currently servicing as President Elect on the OBF’s Executive Committee. Serving on the OBF Board is important to help ensure all Oklahomans maintain access to the justice system.  I also served on the OBA Board of Governors in 2007-2009 and several OBA Committees, to contribute time and leadership to the OBA.  I’ve also been involved with the American Cancer Society in leadership roles for the last 5 years, after losing my father and also a great friend to cancer.

What would you tell current law students and young associates about the importance of professional and civic responsibility?
“Giving back” to the legal profession and your community is a major factor in establishing great communities and friendships, and lawyers are uniquely qualified to really make a difference in their hometowns and states.

What is one thing you’re glad you tried but would never do again?
There are two things – 2-week trial and hot pepper sauce that was not close enough to the bottom of the Scoville scale.

What is your biggest pet peeve with modern technology?
That every year I have to ask my children more and more how things work.

What is on your bucket list?
I’d like to visit several places in Europe.

What are your goals as 2018 OBF Board President?
In recent years the OBF has grown – in the size of our foundation, the number and amount of grants awarded and grantees, and establishing the new position and hiring a Director of Development & Communications.  My goal is to continue building on the work of recent past OBF presidents by ensuring that all of our procedures, systems, bylaws, and grant cycles are reviewed, revised if needed, and documented for future OBF Trustees.

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