You are providing legal advice to a start-up non-profit organization or sitting on the board of such an organization. You believe strongly in the entity’s mission, and want to do all you can, as a lawyer and as a volunteer, to help it succeed. A perfect example to follow is right in front of you – the Oklahoma Bar Foundation. This non-profit charitable organization, which is the third oldest bar foundation in the U.S, has successfully raised and distributed over $10 million to provide legal services and law-related benefits and education to Oklahoma citizens, all in the name of Oklahoma lawyers. The OBF provides a valuable legal blueprint for any lawyer to follow in establishing, operating, or contributing to the success of a non-profit organization.
Make A Contribution
Donate Donate to the Oklahoma Bar Foundation by filling out the online form below or you can download the printable form. Check out our new Fellows Giving Levels and please note … Read More
New 2013 President to Lead Fellows
Susan Shields takes the helm as president of the Oklahoma Bar Foundation at a time when the OBF is working hard to maintain grant funding for important law-related charitable programs that serve Oklahomans in need and school children throughout the State. 2012 proved to be a very different year for your Bar Foundation, with a dramatic decline in income of near fifty percent compared to 2011. Going forward, grants will need to be reduced further without additional financial support and help from the Oklahoma legal community.
2012 President’s Top Ten List to Close the Year
To be a Fellow means that you are a player — not just a fan. Fellows are stakeholders in the mission and purpose of OBF. Mixed metaphors aside, I present you with my top ten reasons why you should be proud to be a Fellow of the Oklahoma Bar Foundation.
2012 End of Year Letter to All OBA Members
The OBF supports causes important to lawyers and law firms. In these challenging economic times when other sources of funding for OBF grantees have been drastically cut or have completely gone away, contributions from people like you will help the OBF be able to continue our mission of supporting law-related charities. Law-related charitable services are not an area other organizations or groups willingly support and it is important that we, as attorneys, help.
2012 Grant Award Announcement
by President Shon T. Erwin It is my privilege to announce the 2012 Oklahoma Bar Foundation Grant Awards in the total amount of $356,000. The grants are down this year … Read More
Putting the FUN back in Fundraising
I hate fundraising, but what I hate more is that every day equal justice under the law is being denied Oklahomans. Equal justice under the law means nothing without equal access to justice…This is a cause to which we as lawyers, are all called. Learn more about FUN…
We Can’t Do It Without Your Help!
- Frank has always provided for his family until he was injured on the job leaving his with a brain injury and in a medically induced coma.
- In the 18 years Kevin has been on this earth, he had endured more loss than most people do in their entire lives.
- Within months of her diagnosis, Rose received news that her cancer had spread, taking her strength and her mind.
- David and Jordan are brothers living very different lives than when they first came into DHS custody 3 years ago.
No, Really — OBF Does Not Receive a Share of Your Bar Dues
When you pay your OBA dues, you are paying annual rent for your license to practice law in Oklahoma, and you are paying for the many valuable services your bar association provides to the legal profession and to the citizens of our state. However, when you pay your OBA dues you are not making a payment of any kind to the Oklahoma Bar Foundation. Read More of the Story
OBF Grant Funding Crisis 2012
OBF Grant Funds Are In Crisis
What will the dramatic income decline mean for organizations funded by OBF? The 2012 OBF grant cycle is currently underway with 21 organizations making requests totaling $675,000. Given the loss of income, your OBF must dramatically cut grant award amounts and possibly eliminate some organizations completely from the grant process. This means that many Oklahomans will go without vitally needed legal services – law-related education programs in schools will go unfunded – children and vulnerable adults in Oklahoma will suffer. Learn More