Oklahoma Bar Foundation Honors Two

OBF honors the OBA Family Law Section and The Garrett Law Center of Tulsa as the first OBF Community Fellows. The new benevolent program unites county bar associations, law firms, sections of the OBA, banks, corporations and other organizations with individual attorneys in support of a common cause.

Now Is The Time To Leave A Legacy

President Susan Shields states an increasingly important funding mechanism to maintain the grant-making endowment of the OBF is through charitable planned giving. Charitable planned giving, during lifetime or at death, … Read More

Make A Contribution

Donate Donate to the Oklahoma Bar Foundation by filling out the online form below or you can download the printable form. Check out our new Fellows Giving Levels and please note … Read More

Putting the FUN back in Fundraising

I hate fundraising, but what I hate more is that every day equal justice under the law is being denied Oklahomans. Equal justice under the law means nothing without equal access to justice…This is a cause to which we as lawyers, are all called. Learn more about FUN…

We Can’t Do It Without Your Help!

  • Frank has always provided for his family until he was injured on the job leaving his with a brain injury and in a medically induced coma.
  • In the 18 years Kevin has been on this earth, he had endured more loss than most people do in their entire lives.
  • Within months of her diagnosis, Rose received news that her cancer had spread, taking her strength and her mind.
  • David and Jordan are brothers living very different lives than when they first came into DHS custody 3 years ago.
  • Read Our Stories

No, Really — OBF Does Not Receive a Share of Your Bar Dues

When you pay your OBA dues, you are paying annual rent for your license to practice law in Oklahoma, and you are paying for the many valuable services your bar association provides to the legal profession and to the citizens of our state. However, when you pay your OBA dues you are not making a payment of any kind to the Oklahoma Bar Foundation. Read More of the Story


The OBF’s mission of improving access to justice for those less fortunate makes it an ideal match for class action cy pres awards, since an underlying premise for all class actions is to make access to justice a reality for people who otherwise would not be able to obtain the protections of the court system. Through diverse of options available through OBF, something can be tailored to each case. Read More of the Story…

A Small Investment in the Future

The Oklahoma Bar Foundation is a shining example of the commitment of Oklahoma lawyers to the profession and to the people of Oklahoma. Since OBF’s inception in 1946, the OBF has awarded more than $10 million. Your single Fellows contribution helped 38 law-related charitable programs and court projects last year along. How You Can Help…